I am very late in posting this, like almost two years too late. These amazing cuties are already running around and causing trouble together as twins do. This obviously means I’m really behind blog wise, but I have an excuse I have been pregnant and now have my own new little one running around causing trouble, but more on that later. However I have to share with you all the twins amazing pictures and adorable personalities. So with out further ado I am happy to announce to you the arrival of the very anticipated Adeline and Ansley. I posted a while back about their beautiful mama’s maternity session called “because I’m on bed rest that’s why”. She was such a trooper and after being in the hospital and on bed rest the girls finally arrived March 8th, 2013. They were so tiny then. Adeline was the smaller one at 3lb, 14oz and Ansley at 4lb, 4oz. They were in the NICU for at least a month which is so tough. They are amazing parents and were such troopers, they love these cuties so feaircly. I actually had to check the dates of these pictures to see when we actually photographed them and they where a whopping 2 months old. I still can’t believe they where ever this tiny.This is the first time I ever tried the whole head in hands pose and I have to say with twins they just lean and push on each other and you have to have a lot of hands to help. I think it turned out just beautiful though.
In an ideal world you photograph newborns with in the first ten days of life, because they are super sleepy and still have their days and nights mixed up. So considering this is them at 2 months I have to say they where amazing. I was very surprised that we could get the girls to sleep during their session. With twins one is always sleeping while the other was awake. So during there solo sleeping we did individual pictures, but I also loved getting some images of grandma and daddy with the girls.
Some NICU babies can be difficult, because they have been poked and prodded so much. Not these girls, probably because mom and dad give them tons of cuddles. They where so funny in this basket as always one is completely asleep and trying to roll right onto the other. Twins are too funny.
This is Ansley she was the bigger of the two and was allowed out of the NICU before her sister.
Having one baby out of the NICU and one in can be rough. Even though you are of course glad to have one of them out it also makes it more difficult to visit the other one. The other twin now can’t come in the NICU so the parents have to take turns going in to the NICU or having someone watch the first baby, which is hard. Mostly it’s just a waiting game untill they are both home and together. I think getting to see this family finally home and together was one of my favorite things about this session.
Poor Adeline had a tough time after she got out of the NICU. She was having issues with formula, she had a milk allergy. Poor girl her little tummy would swell up so big. We knew this was an issue so we were very sensitive and patient with her. We did end up get less shots of her for this session, But she was such a little trooper!
When babies are over the ten day mark they tend to not want to sleep for their session. So I did try to keep them mostly wrapped, swaddled, or covered in blankets when we could. This shot is actually an outtake, we were getting them positioned. In hind site I think I may need to invest in some diaper covers. I just love this shot even in their diapers, their adorable and I love that mom is soothing them rocking those little feet.
I love this one of them up close and the crop.Can you tell that mommy and daddy have a very important job, yep they both work for the fire department. I just love them laying on their jacket. I also forced mommy and daddy to do separates and family shots. When you do a newborn session it is really warm to keep baby happy and sleepy, so at the end of the session your sweltering, not to mention you just had twins and your exhausted. They are only this tiny for a very short time though and you can never go back so I always try to do a family photo. They waited so long to hold them, for them to get out of the NICU, and finally they are home and can be a family. So It was just really important for me to push the family photo. I know as the photographer and their friend that it can really mean a lot.
Adeline and Ansley – 2months