Oh my gosh I just can’t stand it any more!! My child is officially a toddler. Getting into stuff, using a sippy cup, eating real people food, yep he’s all grown up. Well except for the whole potty training thing, But we will be starting that craziness soon. So he’s 19 months now (aka like 1 and a 1/2) I still don’t understand after they turn one why you have to give their age in months. I don’t do it I refuse lol, but my husband is always the first one to yell out (all proud papa) that he’s 19 months and whatever stage of life he’s in. So We finally, finally did his first hair cut 🙁 It so broke me heart. It’s so dumb but I feel like he’s ready to pack up and move out to college. He’s all grown up, well like I said except for the whole potty training business. So being the crazy person I am decided to cram his first hair cut and a hair cut for me into the same visit. Yea that’s do able right? It was a little stressful I”m not going to lie, but I wanted specifically to have it cut by my friend Annie. I have known her since high school and It just seemed right that she be the one to cut his hair. Is that weird, too sentimental. Oh well!
Like I said though I also had her cut my hair. This is crazy, but It hadn’t been cut in a year and a half!!!! To say it needed it is putting it mildly,because it looked atrocious. I really was feeling like I looked like a beat down mom. So I deserved it. I just should have been smart enough to plan it for two different days so I could relax instead of bringing him with me. My husband kept him occupied the whole time I got my hair cut so kisses for him! If I didn’t get it cut I was going to lose my mind. I really should have done before and afters but my hair was way down to my butt. I normally grow it that long cut it and donate it, but last year I had it highlighted and apparently they don’t take colored hair, so I skipped that part this year. So here is how it went.
This is pre-haircut sitting in the waiting area with daddy. I’m used to it, but we got all sorts of crazy looks, because we rolled in the three of us with my camera bag his diaper bag and each of us with a coffee in hand. And I will tell you, a salon is not the place you want to bring your cup of coffee. Every time I set it down some where I though, wow I hope someone’s hair doesn’t get in my cup. Yea I know weird right lol. So we brought a ton of stuff, because well Annie works at a salon that is almost two hours from our house, yes I’m crazy, I know. She’s a friend though and I always try to find any little way to see people since we now live far from everyone and everyone is always so busy.So we brought Keaton’s favorite book, Dr. Seuss’ “hand hand fingers thumbs”. We have read that book a million dam times, but the funniest part is that the book says, ” one hand, two hands beating on a drum, dum ditty, dum ditty, dum, dum, dum.” So since my kid is hilarious he picked up on the whole dum, dum, dum part and says it a million times. When we were at my husbands work he kept saying dum, dum, dum and his coworkers asked if that’s what Keaton calls my husband.They know Keaton still doesn’t say daddy. It drives the hubby crazy he’s like, so I lost out to mommy, doggy and dum. So we finally got Keaton to the chair and put his adorable little cape on and one for daddy too then Annie went to work with a scowling, hesitant little cranky man.
Once she really got started, well I took a ton of pictures, cause he’s my kid and I think he eventually mellowed.
Then I made sure we got my little lock of hair for his baby book, tears, all grown up, sniff sniff, moving away to college 🙁 And would you know I’m so awesome that I didn’t even think to bring a little baggy to put it in. So we made do with an envelope lol.
After that it was trim away.
At some point one of Annie’s coworkers decided to be a gem and get Keaton a lollypop. There where a couple times it almost stuck to the smock or his hair or what have you. He has never really had lollipops I dunno why, but he really enjoyed feeding it to my husband and just playing with it. It kept him entertained so wahoo!
Ok last one this is pretty much what his hair looked like when he was done.
And then of course there was my haircut. If you look in my “about” section my hair was long in that picture and that was at his first birthday. So my I got my hair cut 6 months after that picture so it was pretty long. So here are two pics of it short. As usual it’s with my iPhone, because the ones my husband took at the salon looked crazy lol. Yea he’s not so good with the composition and stuff lol.
So I pampered myself and got my hair cut once in a year and a half, hope all you other mommies are doing a little better than I am at the whole you time thing! Hope everyone is enjoying December and the holiday craziness. Online shopping people that’s all I have to say. I enjoy keeping the spirit alive though secluding myself and avoiding the people that are crazier then I am at the stores and mall 🙂