Ok so I’m sure you know how I feel when you feel like you are constantly making no progress, that is how I feel about this post. Because It was halfway written when I decided to hit “save Draft” and It completely deleted it, Awesome. That is how I feel like the past couple days have gone, sorry for the negativity, but It is now the holidays, the season of oh ha ha ha you though that would be easy, um no. Things are fairly good actually it’s just that this is my first and probably only “vacation weekend”. obviously not from work cause I”m blogging. But from my little man. I get tonight and tomorrow away, hanging at my parents house and sleeping in because I haven’t had that in a year and a half, since he was born. Can anyone relate? Well anyway I’m blogging, which is forward, but I’m also one step back, because he’s with daddy, but he’s sick 🙁 so I”m on edge waiting for the phone call. You know the one come home he’s sick and a wreck. So for now we’re blogging lol. So, moving forward I had a session with my favorite twins! Which was kind of funny, because they are only a couple of months younger than my son and just as fast. I brough with me a metal fire truck to keep them encased and occupied which we ended up not using because one of them was attached to mommy’s hip the whole time. Can you say TEETHING!! Ouch! Yea, but it was only one of them. But with twins if one cries it sets the other one off too, so it’s craziness. I love these kiddos so we roll with it. We also gave him Advil right before we went out. Which reminds me of the funniest slogan I heard this week. This probably isn’t Dimetapp actual slogan but they should make shirts cause it’s great! The slogan was “Don’t just slap ’em Dimetapp ’em”. Ok if you are a mom that is just funny ok, no judging, right? So while we where waiting for the little mans Advil to kick in we did some individual shots in the backyard.
With little kids I”m all about getting what you can while you can, because you never know, especially if their sick when they will hit their, I’ve had enough point. So I try to keep it very chill and give them breaks. Oh and toys, this is one of their firetrucks, because daddy is a fireman.
So I think the backyard worked out well. Then we moved on to the whole crew and there was a lot of chasing, luckily just one twin lol.
So since just getting them sitting is a challenge we go for the we’re cute babies playing, it works for them right?
Then we moved to some sites around the neighborhood. We got really lucky that the day was really warm I had them plan to bundle up the twins in beanies and mittens. It turned out to be amazing weather and the light was great so as always we had a great time.
We did some walking around and I have to say don’t assume all kids will hold hands together with mommy and daddy, like mine, these kids run. Those are the outtakes so maybe another time, but hey most little ones love daddy’s shoulders.
This is about the time I remembered that my Iphone had Pandora radio with kids music on it and we were happy campers from then on.
These with daddy I think are adorable, because their eyes are just so blue and amazing and because they just look like little models. These kids are really going to break hearts one day, and be super tall with beautiful blue eyes; I”m so glad I get to see them grow up, It is definitely one of the perks of my job. That and the longer you’ve known a kid the more comfortable they will be with you which makes my job easier double bonus.
I tried to get them to put their little backs up to each other and fun stuff, but they were too cuddled up to mom and dad.
I also tried to get some separates.
Can you tell who was mr. cranky? They still look adorable that’s what makes me laugh.
So great job twinsies, here is to mommy picking which ones are now going on the Christmas cards. Glad she’s picking not me, when little kids are adorable how do you choose, really? lol.